“The most effective teams don’t have leaders.”Inc. Magazine, Jul 29, 2015
Ever wonder how to build a “Dream” team? Or have you experienced it and want to find a way to replicate building teams where you co-create and learn from each other, working together to achieve more than you thought possible?
Experience team building by practicing on a team of three to five people and through deep discussions of how to manage conflicts and difficulties.

Key Learnings:

  • Establish Team Ground Rules: Create a supportive and respectful environment for collaboration. 
  • Practice Team-Building Exercises: Enhance cooperation and cohesion through problem-solving, trust-building, and role-playing activities. 
  • Deep Listening: Understanding the importance of active listening, empathetic listening, and non-verbal communication in building strong team dynamics.  
  • Communications: Developing effective verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to convey ideas clearly, resolve conflicts, and provide constructive feedback. 
  • Work Attitude: Exploring the impact of attitude on teamwork, including topics such as motivation, resilience, adaptability, and fostering a positive work environment.
  • Empower Authentic Contributions: Encourage individuals to bring their best selves to the team. 
  • Co-Learning: Emphasizing the value of continuous learning within a team setting, promoting knowledge sharing, skill development, and collaborative problem-solving. 
  • Co-Creating: Encouraging creativity and innovation through collaborative idea generation, brainstorming, and leveraging diverse perspectives within the team.

Timing: 10 ½-hours over the course of 3 days  PDUs: 10.5

Optional: Monthly follow-up facilitated one-hour discussions

Maximum class size: 25 participants. We break teams into groups of three to five depending on the class size.
Note: Virtual facilitated classes or in-person if a) pandemic permits this safely b) your organization is located in the Greater Boston area